“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have little.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt
No lesson have I learned so clearly as this one. However, it was not learned from FDR, it was learned from my granddaughter, a child of 8 with a disorder that has stolen her speech, her mobility, her ability to care for herself. Yet she refuses to let it steal her mind. If you are patient and lean close you can hear her. We know for certain she hears us. And for certain her teachers hear her. Why just the other day she told (computer assisted) school staff that the braces used for standing hurt her feet. Lean in close to your brothers and sisters like Haley – they are there, just like everyone else, needing the same thing we all need: recognition that we are here and share the same needs.
Ed Fennell
Poppy to Two Rare Disorder Children
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